Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next New Thing

It may seem a little too futuristic, but anything is possible right? We have come to know what virtual worlds are and how some companies have been using them for meetings and such. How cool would it be if we were able to form a hologram of ourselves and send it anywhere at anytime? We would be able to  see things as if we were really there! This could help with business meetings in need of far traveling, visiting friends and relatives, and just knowing you have the capability to be at and see any place whenever you want!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Class Wiki- so far

I have contributed some lively photos to mostly the New Media in Entertainment page. I still have a significant amount more to contribute, but my goal is to make these pages (not just entertainment) more vibrant to look at. We need more things to catch our eye other than just words. That's where I come in :)


File sharing refers to providing access to digitally stored information such as computer programs, audio, images, videos, documents, or electronic books.

Peer-to-peer, or P2P, refers to a computer network where each computer can act as a client or server for the other computers in that network, allowing shared access to files without the need for a central server.

The first peer-to-peer application was the file sharing system Napster. Others include Kazaa and WinMX. Just be careful how you use it, you don't want to end up like the Minnesota mom who was hit with a $1.5 million dollar fine for illegally downloading music through the peer-to-peer file-sharing network Kazaa in 2006!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality is a big issue when it comes to new media. If done right, there shouldn't be any issues. But because of how easy it is to share your information and accessible for almost anyone to see, it could pose as a potential threat for things such as identity theft and cyber-bullying. New media such as facebook, twitter, and linkedin all have privacy settings that you should familiarize yourself with. You also want to make sure that anything you post or say will probably be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. So play it safe, do not write anything that could get you in trouble or that you know could put you in harms way.


In terms of new media, there are definitely a few suggestions I would give to Baruch College. New media is huge and is just getting bigger and more popular. Since this is the era that we are in, we should definitely get a good grasp on everything about it and how it works. I would suggest a Wiki to be made for each class as well as a Linkedin account since we are a business school. I would also suggest offering more online courses that would utilize some of the types of new media (for example, virtual classrooms).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

creativity and new media

Amused at the smallest things, me and my friend James videotaped our other friend Marino opening a trick can of peanuts. Thought we'd share the laughs and post it on Youtube :)


 New media = Creativity. True or false?

True. There are many reason and examples of how this is so. New media allows you to voice yourself in many different ways. Whether it be through a blog, video journal, podcast, etc., these medias allow you to be yourself and show everyone else a little bit about who you are.

Many celebrity singers today got big because of you tube. Colbie Calait is just one of a dozen.

Virtual worlds allow you to pick out clothes, design your own apartment, and even meet a friend at your favorite local coffee shop. After all, that is what being creative is all about, isn't it?

2. lecture notes on creativity

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

     A virtual world is an interactive simulated environment accessed by multiple users through an online interface. It is a representation of reality while being more simple than the real world (Lecture). They can be used for commercial gaming, socializing/ online community building, education, political expression, and military training to name a few (VWR). As like anything else, it has its pros and cons. Some pros include employees meeting in virtual worlds from the privacy of a company's own network and a way for anyone to explore and experience in a way not possible through other media (CNN). Some cons include a sense of "lack" of human contact that could lead to feelings of isolation and some conversations and interactions were sought out to be disturbing at times. There are also strip clubs and other raunchy places, obviously not appropriate for children (VWR).
     Virtual worlds definitely foster creativity. A way in which this is accomplished is by being able to "design" your house for example. You can pick out your own furniture. Also, in terms of shopping, you can pick out your favorite styles of clothing and really express your creative side. On a more professional scale, I think that virtual worlds in the future are definitely going to dominate "in-office" meetings. It will save transportation costs, time, and energy.

2. Virtual Worlds Lecture Notes
3. Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, Nov 5, 2009

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog about Twitter

Twitter? Blackboard? In-class discussions? 

Of course there are both similarities and differences. With twitter, you can identify your friends/classmates by the username they chose for themselves. With blackboard and even in-class discussions you can identify each other by first names. Both call for communication between two or more people and the ability to share your opinions. With in-class discussions, there isn't really a limit to how many "characters" you can say. This differs from twitter and blackboard discussion where there is indeed a "character" limit.

With in-class discussions, you can't "go back" to someone's response (unless you ask them to repeat it if they even remember what they just said). One great thing about the online discussions (Twitter and Blackboard) is that you can do this... And quite easily!

Are you shy in person? Well then what easier way to say what you want then to type it! No verbal communication necessary (Phew!)

There are definitely more things you could easily list about this topic, but I just thought I'd share a few that popped into my head :)

Social Networking sites

Myspace:  Is this thing even still around? It looks so much more different than from what I remember a few years back. It seems like it's now integrated with twitter...actually, it looks like twitter has taken over it. There is a bunch of music samples that I have never heard of too. Thumbs down.

Twitter: I created a twitter last year when jumping on the band wagon, but never really got the full hang of it. The re-tweeting, hashing, etc. always confused me a bit. But now that I'm finally getting the hang of it, it's pretty cool. It's cool to see that there are definitely other things you can use it for besides tweeting and telling people what you're doing at the very exact second (kind of annoying!).

Facebook: I guess because I'm so used to it and I know how to access and maneuver it fairly well, Facebook is definitely my "cup of tea". I like seeing friend's pictures from a fun night out, talking to them with Facebook instant messaging, and other things Facebook has to offer. Do I spend too much time on it? Of course. Who doesn't? But out of these three social networking sites, It is 100% my favorite (except for the new 'timeline' format they're using!).

Linkedin: A great website! Aside from the "oh boy what happened last night?" statuses and pictures you wish you weren't tagged in, this is a much more mature website designed to help you network. There are so many businesses that are on Linkedin. There's a really cool feature is that once you put in your information about the kind of work you do or industry you're in, it actually lists possible job openings worth looking at. If you need feed lists, this is the place. Privacy is protected and opportunities are huge!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

social networking

Social Media:

"...a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content."

According to Kaplan and Haenlein there are six different types of social media: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds. People obtain information, education, news and other data from electronic media. They are relatively inexpensive and accessible to enable anyone to publish or access information.

We use social media in the business world for marketing, communication, recruiting, interview processes (via skype, foe example), etc. We also use social media for our leisure. Some examples of these activities include Facebook, instant messaging, some types of gaming, and "tweeting".

But not everyone sees this as all "fun and games". A dark side to social media? Of course. Many individuals, especially parents, worry about lack of privacy and cyber bullying. And on wikis, is the information you are getting the 100% truth or is the information faulty? There are still ways we are looking to improve such issues in the world of social media.

We have come a long way with social media, but still have a long way to go in terms of adjustments and improvements. I bet somewhere down the road you won't even need to show up at your office. All you'll need to do is webcam, show face, and work from home!

Blogs vs. Wikis

 Many know the general ideas and motives behind blogs and wikis, but how exactly are they different? How are they similar?

To start with a definition, a blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in reverse chronological order. A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove, edit, and change content. While they are both websites, user-generated, and they both allow users to comment on the content, they do have their differences.

A few interesting examples to help differentiate the two that I came across state the following:
1. A blog is a flow of information, while a wiki is a place to stock information.
2. In a workplace setting, a blog replaces the bulletin board, and a wiki replaces the binder-manuals.

Wikis involve more collaboration than blogs do. In terms of communication, a blog is usually the voice of one individual who has the access to add more posts when he/she wants to. In a wiki, anyone from the whole company or department can contribute (not just one individual).

I think the ideas that I've come up with involving the use of wikis have all been started. Whether it may be Wikipedia for fast information on a topic, or a wiki through a job or company to add to current information or communication, I think wikis have addressed most areas where they may be useful.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Facebook: Friend or Foe to Society?

     The topic of my research paper is focused in on Facebook. It will be an analysis of the positive and negative effects it has on society today. I will include some of the ways it has affected people in their personal as well as their professional lives (both good and bad). From a business standpoint, we will explore how this "new media" has helped companies in regards to marketing, recruiting, etc. After researching this topic, I hope to get a better sense (in my opinion) in determining if Facebook has overall become more of a good or bad thing for today's society.