Monday, March 12, 2012

Social Networking sites

Myspace:  Is this thing even still around? It looks so much more different than from what I remember a few years back. It seems like it's now integrated with twitter...actually, it looks like twitter has taken over it. There is a bunch of music samples that I have never heard of too. Thumbs down.

Twitter: I created a twitter last year when jumping on the band wagon, but never really got the full hang of it. The re-tweeting, hashing, etc. always confused me a bit. But now that I'm finally getting the hang of it, it's pretty cool. It's cool to see that there are definitely other things you can use it for besides tweeting and telling people what you're doing at the very exact second (kind of annoying!).

Facebook: I guess because I'm so used to it and I know how to access and maneuver it fairly well, Facebook is definitely my "cup of tea". I like seeing friend's pictures from a fun night out, talking to them with Facebook instant messaging, and other things Facebook has to offer. Do I spend too much time on it? Of course. Who doesn't? But out of these three social networking sites, It is 100% my favorite (except for the new 'timeline' format they're using!).

Linkedin: A great website! Aside from the "oh boy what happened last night?" statuses and pictures you wish you weren't tagged in, this is a much more mature website designed to help you network. There are so many businesses that are on Linkedin. There's a really cool feature is that once you put in your information about the kind of work you do or industry you're in, it actually lists possible job openings worth looking at. If you need feed lists, this is the place. Privacy is protected and opportunities are huge!

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