Monday, February 6, 2012

Facebook: Friend or Foe to Society?

     The topic of my research paper is focused in on Facebook. It will be an analysis of the positive and negative effects it has on society today. I will include some of the ways it has affected people in their personal as well as their professional lives (both good and bad). From a business standpoint, we will explore how this "new media" has helped companies in regards to marketing, recruiting, etc. After researching this topic, I hope to get a better sense (in my opinion) in determining if Facebook has overall become more of a good or bad thing for today's society.


  1. Ashley, I'm writing about the same thing! Facebook definitely helps companies i nterms of advertising and putting news out in the "public." Do you think the positives outweigh the negatives?

  2. Facebook has definitely made an impact on everyone in some way. Companies have tried to use Facebook to their advantage but some have failed. Companies need to be careful of how they are using it. Facebook can be a big distraction. Facebook do have its pros and cons depending on how you use it and view it but overall, it is a great tool to link everyone around the world together.

  3. This is a great topic. The pro's and con's for Facebook can weight differently against each other depending on how an individual uses it. In my opinion, Facebook is a great tool for building new connections, and keeping in touch with individuals over a long distance. However, I really do believe that if Facebook were the only mechanism to sustain friendships, said friendships will loose any sense of intimacy or true connection. I think Facebook creates a superficial sense of friendship.

    Quality over quantity. Okay, enough for now... (:

  4. Everybody have became facebook fan these days. It has both bad and good affects on people and I think it totally depends on how they use it.

  5. There are definitely pros and cons associated with Facebook. Personally it has enabled me to keep in contact with my family overseas which I never really had done before but at the same time there is an addiction experienced to it. People end up spending most of their time concerning themselves with what all of their "friends" are doing and updating all their friends with what they had for breakfast rather than actually being more productive with their lives. Im looking forward to reading your analysis, I'm curious to see whether the pros outweigh the cons or visa versa!

  6. First of all..I love your Open Minded post, that the closed minded will experience a headache! haha that made me laugh :) it's amazing!
    Secondly, your facebook reserach topic is similar to mine, so I'd love to hear your point of view. Many people cannot imagine their life without facebook, posting happy pictures but in fact their life is not so happy. Manyof them add as many friends as possible sometimes not even knowing them, this is insane!

  7. This seems like a great idea for a term project. I think now more than ever, Facebook is being scrutinized for some of the negative effects it has on society.

    I think one issue that you should really look into is bullying and how Facebook has, in some people's minds, made the bullying issue in America worse. Some kids have even committed suicide because of bullying they have experienced on various social networks and it would be interesting to see your view on the issue.
