Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next New Thing

It may seem a little too futuristic, but anything is possible right? We have come to know what virtual worlds are and how some companies have been using them for meetings and such. How cool would it be if we were able to form a hologram of ourselves and send it anywhere at anytime? We would be able to  see things as if we were really there! This could help with business meetings in need of far traveling, visiting friends and relatives, and just knowing you have the capability to be at and see any place whenever you want!


  1. Wow, this is actually a very good idea, and yes like you said anything is possible, so I would not be surprised if some scientists were working on this right now. Being there but not actually being there would be the whole theme and I'm sure many people, if not most people would want to try this new invention!

  2. This is a really cool idea. I recently heard that 2Pac showed up at a concert(in hologram form) and it definitely pleased the crowd. This would be a great idea for meetings and even to get in touch with relatives who are abroad. But I did hear that hologram technology is very expensive

  3. This is an awesome idea. At this moment it does sounds out of reach, but you never know technologically is evolving drastically so its a definitely a possibility. It would be awesome to travel to the opposite side of the world while still being at home.

  4. Almost like a teleporter in a science fiction movie! Haha but practically, this would have many good uses. Would love to see this in a future business conference room.

  5. This is a really cool idea and would allow us to be in two places at once literally. I think it would be especially useful in the business world as well, as it is one step above simply skyping with someone in a conference meeting.

  6. I think that would be so cool and convenient! Hopefully we all live long enough to see it happen :)

  7. Yeah that would be great. There was actually this show that I watched where they were able to project holograms from one room to another, however the rooms were right next to each other and the projection was done by having connected cameras. They are also able to use similar technology and make you see through using a specific camera.

  8. Sounds like sending a video message through e-mail! Once internet speeds increase and they increase the size of files we can attach to an email, I can see videos being sent out in emails in the near future. Somewhere down the road holograms may be possible as well!
