Friday, October 8, 2010

"An eggs-cellent way to plan"

My group was the group who completed the project successfully. I do believe that by going through each step in the planning process and not bypassing anything led us to our success. I think that because we were given such a short time limit, most of the other groups tried to skip some of the steps or "breeze" through them which could have caused their plans to have failed. I was very proud and pleased with the way our group performed and handled our planning as a whole. We used our time wisely, used our resources to our advantage, and brainstormed to hear everyone's opinions which allowed us to think outside of the box. The one thing I think I might have changed if we were able to complete this project again would be to designate a team leader. We all acted as leaders, and I think we might have been a little more organized in the planning process if we did give one person the title as our leader.


  1. So I was in the other group that won. Alot of reactions and tactics were similar to us. We tried to be as organized as possible and in a group of somewhat strangers and a much desired incentive in little to no time, not breaking the egg was the main goal. This was an incredible assignment seeing what traits and what steps managers or task thinkers must have or go through in such a short time span.

  2. Congratulations on being 1 of the 2 groups to succeed. I really thought the long contraption idea, with the egg hanging at the bottom, was brilliant. I actually suggested this idea to my group and they all thought I was crazy haha. I guess at first it doesn’t seem practical because of its peculiarity, but it worked like a charm when your group performed it. Good management! Good work!

  3. congrats, I would have to say your group did a good job and congrats for that 10 points. yes it was a good class experience feel like i was in high school again. However besides learning how fun management could be, i also see how ugly human nature is, everyone cheers when the group fail but only a hand full of people congrats the winning team!!
