Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next New Thing

It may seem a little too futuristic, but anything is possible right? We have come to know what virtual worlds are and how some companies have been using them for meetings and such. How cool would it be if we were able to form a hologram of ourselves and send it anywhere at anytime? We would be able to  see things as if we were really there! This could help with business meetings in need of far traveling, visiting friends and relatives, and just knowing you have the capability to be at and see any place whenever you want!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Class Wiki- so far

I have contributed some lively photos to mostly the New Media in Entertainment page. I still have a significant amount more to contribute, but my goal is to make these pages (not just entertainment) more vibrant to look at. We need more things to catch our eye other than just words. That's where I come in :)


File sharing refers to providing access to digitally stored information such as computer programs, audio, images, videos, documents, or electronic books.

Peer-to-peer, or P2P, refers to a computer network where each computer can act as a client or server for the other computers in that network, allowing shared access to files without the need for a central server.

The first peer-to-peer application was the file sharing system Napster. Others include Kazaa and WinMX. Just be careful how you use it, you don't want to end up like the Minnesota mom who was hit with a $1.5 million dollar fine for illegally downloading music through the peer-to-peer file-sharing network Kazaa in 2006!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality is a big issue when it comes to new media. If done right, there shouldn't be any issues. But because of how easy it is to share your information and accessible for almost anyone to see, it could pose as a potential threat for things such as identity theft and cyber-bullying. New media such as facebook, twitter, and linkedin all have privacy settings that you should familiarize yourself with. You also want to make sure that anything you post or say will probably be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. So play it safe, do not write anything that could get you in trouble or that you know could put you in harms way.


In terms of new media, there are definitely a few suggestions I would give to Baruch College. New media is huge and is just getting bigger and more popular. Since this is the era that we are in, we should definitely get a good grasp on everything about it and how it works. I would suggest a Wiki to be made for each class as well as a Linkedin account since we are a business school. I would also suggest offering more online courses that would utilize some of the types of new media (for example, virtual classrooms).