Sunday, December 12, 2010

MGT 3120 marks and end.

5:50pm was what marked the start
of Management 3210 class
but it was rare you ever made it on time
because those elevators were a pain in the ass!

We would all come in to grab our seats
Then look at the front of the room
Because with the start of every class
There was some sort of twist coming soon

From Legos and eggs
to survival skills and jello
Kurpis used these weird ways of greeting us
it was never with just a simple “hello”

left right left right
this guy never stood still
maybe someone should have offered him
a dosage of that aderoll pill

we argued and fought
saying “these tests are unfair”
Now we see why rate my said
Getting 100’s on his exams are super super rare

here come the twisted part:
he knows what he is doing to us
its all in his plan to get us worked up
because he actually enjoys seeing us make a fuss

but why would a professor do this?
Perhaps to give our brains a big of a jog?
Nope, not even close
Hooray for us: it’s the topic to our next blog.

I guess I’m being a little harsh
It may seem like I don’t like the guy
But in all honesty It’s already hard
to know I have to say goodbye

Thank you professor for such a great class
I know I’m one of many who took it to heart
It’s sad to think that after today
We, as a class, will all depart.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bloggin on Blogger

     Blogs are steadily growing in popularity among people of all ages. It has been something I was always interested in, but never followed through with in creating one until management class. It has been one of my favorite things about our class. It was definitely unique, and most enjoyable in my opinion.
     It allowed us to see what our other classmates thought of certain activities we did in class and learn more about their reasonings and feelings towards them. It also allowed us to verbally communicate with others about our personal outlooks, opinions, and thoughts on the assigned topics. Although we had a set of instructions, I thought it was very cool that we were able to be as free and open as we wanted to be.
   It was good to get away from the textbook too. By having blog assignments that weren't included in the book that the professor found interesting and relevant to our lectures was fun as well. It allowed us to see more about management outside of the written book.
    By paying attention to the due dates, blogging was such a reassuring way to know you could get a good grade counting 20%. I will definitely continue my blog, and probably put more effort into it once the semester comes to and end and all tests and projects are done. I think this is an assignment that should be continued in the future. the only criticism I can give about it is to be a little more informative about the due dates. a lot of people seem to forget with the other coursework they have in other classes.